Commercial Railing Construction
Commercial Railing Construction
Commercial railing construction involves the design and installation of safety devices to prevent accidents on stairs, ramps, balconies, decks, porches, and other areas in a building. These devices are commonly found in stores, hotels, offices, malls, restaurants, and other public buildings, and they are usually installed to comply with building codes. See page herein for the best orlando commercial railing construction services.
Most municipalities and states in the United States adopt model codes published by code organizations, such as the International Residential Code (IRC) and the International Building Code (IBC). The IRC and IBC provide the rules for commercial railing construction.
The IRC and IBC require that handrails, independent or combined with guardrails, be designed to meet a number of requirements. Generally, they need to provide stability and a continuous guide along stair or ramps that are used to access a room or space. They must also be able to resist breakage and other damage.
They must also be able to support a load of 200 pounds in an upward or downward direction, depending on their design. They must also have a shape that is easy to grasp.
Choosing the Right Material for Your Handrails
Many different materials are available to use when designing handrails. Some of the most common choices include wood, stainless steel, aluminum, and glass. They all have their own unique qualities and benefits, so it is important to choose the correct one for your specific application.
Whether your design is for indoor or outdoor use, the type of material you choose will affect how the product holds up to the elements. While wood is typically the most popular choice for handrails, aluminum and stainless steel are stronger and can hold up better to weather conditions.
Your Handrails Need to Be ADA Compliant
While handrails are an essential part of any commercial building, they can also be a design element that enhances the interior appearance. This is because a good handrail can provide a comfortable place for people to walk and rest, as well as protect them from falling.
In addition to meeting ADA compliance, handrails must also be made of a durable material that is resistant to fading and damage caused by UV light, water, and chemicals. If you are concerned about the durability of your railing, consult a professional about the best choice for your business.
Aside from being ADA compliant, handrails must also be able to withstand a 200-pound load in an upward or downward direction. They must have a shape that is easy to grasp, and they should be placed above the minimum height required for guards in your state’s building codes.
Your handrails must have a finger recess of at least 3/8 inch to a maximum of 1-1/4 inches on each side of the top rail. The edges of the handrails should be rounded.
You can use a variety of materials to make your handrails, but you should be sure that they are sturdy enough to withstand the weight of people. In some cases, the load requirements can be higher than a standard stair railing. Check out this post for more details related to this article: